Vacation starts tomorrow. First once since Christmas last year. Was thinking I should do some biking. But I need more ideas to fill my time. Suggestions?

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    Everest your local double black diamond mtb trail.
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    @SortOfTested I can't recall what everesting is.
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    Ride it over and over again until you've reached the overall elevation increase of mt everest.
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    @SortOfTested Dear lord. I've done a mile in elevation gain in one go. But a quick Google search shows it's 2 miles tall. That's a lotta climbing lol. That would take forever. Actually truth be told, it would probably take around 6 hours of climbing at my local park. That might actually be kind of fun to do...
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    It's closer to 5.7mi in elevation change. I'd get bored in the attempt.

    I do 2400' on the reg just in my neighborhood+the next 2 adjacent because of where I live, but I wouldnt be up for it 😆
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    @SortOfTested I just did a century yesterday. I'm down for long rides where you aren't doing anything but staring ahead. And I'm young so my body won't kill me during the attempt. Well, it might. Because that's too much climbing. But how else are you supposed to find out how much is too much?
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    I use data gathering and metrics and medical data on how much strain is too much on my heart. But that's just me 😸

    I'm not hardcore at anything athletic, I just do what I want.
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    @SortOfTested That totally didn't register. I initially looked up elevation gain of everest and saw a result from a challenge in Strava that wasn't actually the elevation of everest. Sweet, everest being over 5 miles tall, no thanks. I'll find something else to consume my time lol.
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