
Don't you love when there's a teeny tiny little bug in your code that's not very important but you want to get fixed because you're a perfectionist so you start inserting log statements and it magically fixes itself and stays fixed even after removing the log statements? So now you have to live in constant fear that the bug will appear again and you will never be able to fix it.

Abfjancnancnamxhajd fuck this, fuck js, fuck webpack. It was probably a fucking cache issue but who knows, fuck everything.

  • 1
    Aren't you testing with cache disabled? Otherwise how can you have reproducible conditions...
  • 3
    My C++ IDE has two separate Run buttons. One is a "compile and run" button. The other is the "just run again" button for debugging. They are in separate locations. I have to imagine someone at some time wondered why their changes didn't do anything when they were pressing the "run again" button.
  • 0
    @kamen yes but idk if webpack has some sort of cache which somehow got fucked up
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    @Demolishun I like the way intellij idea does it: when you click the run button, if there were any changes in the code it gets recompiled, if not the ide just runs the last build
  • 1
    @neeno If you're using webpack-dev-server and if my understanding is correct, it's the same as serving from the filesystem, but it does it from the RAM so it's faster to recompile. When I'm testing something, it's usually with DevTools open and with the 'Disable cache' checked in the Network pane.
  • 0
    @kamen yeah, I do the same. Since cache is always disabled when I have devtools open I can only imagine the problem resides either in webpack or vue.
  • 2
    @kamen sometimes testing without cache produce a completely different set of bugs, or no bugs.

    But you need the cache in production so testing without is meaningless.
  • 2
    Yes, and I hate it.

    Almost as much as when I change something that should not affect the bug but seems to do so.

    Not knowing why is torture.
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