Circle of ai life

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    So you perfect AI by running it on quantum computers?
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    @AtuM of course I don't think so. I'm aware that our senses cannot prove that the world around us is truly real. But I continue living pretending that everything is real because you know, overthinking sometimes is bad.
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    @rooter seem just random words to me
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    Being AI does nit mean there are no consequences of going GTA, you would still be bound to the rules of this fake reality and society.

    Specially because we haven't figured out all the rules, like do we respawn or not?
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    @rooter or, you can just do whatever you have to do to go live there.
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    @rooter sounds like a good plan for this Artificial Reality ;)
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    @rooter well, I have two artificial kids now, so maybe just hang on ans see what happens.
    We might move overseas next year, big change.
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    @rooter I am in Mexico, to Germany most likely.
    My plans kept moving because kids, then Corona. We'll see!
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