what are some of your thoughs on GraphQL?. I Recently made a side project using it and it was not bad. I just think that GraphQL pays off if you're going to build something highly connected and your queries are very unpredictable (like a social network). Developing new features/endpoints is a bit slower than a rest api and that is a deal breaker for me. But it's ok

  • 3
    I think that GraphQL shines in some use cases, for example, I use hasura for getting analytics for some apis, no coding, kinda plug n play.
  • 4
    As a systems designer I have no idea how anyone has gotten GraphQL to scale aside from simply throwing more machines at it and hoping it doesn't crumble.

    I'd be very resistant to using it for anything more than a toy.
  • 1
    @junon Why? is it because its just one endpoint? I want to understand
  • 1
    I love GraphQL. Really powerful. I would use it for every new API I built if it wasn’t for just so many people still not knowing how to use it/query a GraphQL API. I highly recommend learning - there’s so many benefits to using GQL.
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