Monday marks the beginning of a new month. In the new month, I turn a year older. As I steer further and further away from "youthfulness", I intend on starting a new chapter in my life.

Sunday 28th Feb is the last day I put any investment towards my "white-collar" professional career. Beginning March 1st, all my energy is going towards my entrepreneurial career instead.

This means that instead of learning that Huawei HCIA networking certification that I hate, I'm going to continue learning Docker (then Kubernetes) which I intend to use on my first product & the many more to come. Instead of studying the horrifyingly boring Data Science course, I'm instead going to put my energy behind understanding GCP & AWS, with the hopes of eventually getting certified.

Basically, I'm going to put all my energy into learning technologies that interest me AND have the potential to help me deliver on my entrepreneurial journey faster & better, rather than studying certifications which everyone believe will make me more employable.

Unfortunately, there aren't that many jobs going around & I'm currently under a year long internship with extremely smart graduates (a valedictorian included). The joke is we're earning $250 a month and have zero hope of getting employed anytime soon. I'm tired of going down this path.

I'm glad I got my degree in CS, now onto creating job opportunities for my fellow peers!

PS: Expect rants about my entrepreneurship challenges, and celebrations about my entrepreneurship wins!

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    Didn’t read the whole shit but I still have input. Youtfullness(typo?) is a state of mind mostly. You can be young and be a game addict, betraying your youth. Or you can be over 40 and paraglide.
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    @aviophile yeah typo. And yeah, I agree. That's why I'm choosing to focus on my entrepreneurial journey moving forward.
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