I dont understand the Google Payment policy, I want to ask can I use WeChat Pay, FPX intergration from Stipe for Donation?

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    No, you can't.
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    @sbiewald what is the most recommended way to do it?
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    @johnmelodyme Use in app payments. In doubt, unlock a minor feature with the payment (e.g. dark theme).

    Use of outside payment providers is only permitted in rare cases. If your app does not have this, you may not use external payment.


    Donations are a corner case, as Google Pay is not allowed for them (except you are a registered charity). Unfortunately, Google will throw you out of the store, if you use an external payment provider... (therefore the minor feature a user can unlock).
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    @sbiewald will link user to external link like prompt them to a webpage, is this allowed?
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    @johnmelodyme Unfortunately, no. The public transport app "Öffi" (quite popular in Germany) was removed from the Play Store for that, and the code for that wasn't even enabled...
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    @sbiewald what the..... I begin to have Google now, why is Google following the path of apple anyway? 😭
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    I guess I need to create another version of my app for China. Because wechatpay is needed...
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    @johnmelodyme Do you know about build flavours?

    I guess you do, but I just want to make sure, in case you didn't.
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    @sbiewald actually , not yet.
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    @johnmelodyme In case you didn't look it up in the mean time:
    Create multiple flavours of the same app (e.g. Play Store, Chinese market, ...), where you replace certain views, but have the most code in the main flavour.
    Each flavour only contains the payment options for your target market.

    You can see it here, where the flavours src-aosp and src-google were created (the shared code is in the src folder):
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    @sbiewald Wait... this is helpful thanks..
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