Jesus Christ, how did that even get past QA. Non-resizable widget that nobody asked for where the text doesn't even fucking fit.. and that's not devRant compression... the text is fucking blurry for some reason????

  • 2
    I actually installed a weather widget under Cinnamon, but it isn't chopped off, and I can click appropriate weather together.
  • 7
    This only exists on the latest dev preview, there's not supposed to be QA and a ton of fancy customisation for a widget which is only there to collect initial feedback from a small group of test users.
  • 1
    @hitko But what kind of dev thinks that this is acceptable?
  • 3
    @hitko @Fast-Nop Is there absolutely 0 eyeballs on even the dev channel?? Maybe I just misunderstand, because I had the assumption it was more of a "fast-lane preview" than a nightly build
  • 2
    @Fast-Nop The kind of dev who's yet to receive the actual UX spec and wants to focus on the underlying core functionality in the meantime, so they just put a bunch of standard UI components together according to the initial draft for people to test.

    Can't say I'd be surprised if this turns out to be the final version since such instances did happen in the past, but let's remember this isn't even expected to be included in the next major update (21H1), so they have at least 6 months to fix it.

    @AlgoRythm dev channel is to preview things which are still in active development and probably won't be included in the next major update, beta channel is for things which are mostly finalised and are expected to be more or less ready for use.
  • 4
    @hitko Disagree. This is not about lacking final specs. The underlying structural issue is complete disregard to any even remotely clean execution of anything.

    And that's the thing here, that Windows is being developed by devs who need detailed specs to prevent them from doing even obviously stupid shit. That's what has marked Windows 10 since its first release. It's a POS OS. Piece of shit.
  • 3
    Microsoft doesn't have a QA team any more. Or did they hire a new team since I last checked? As far as I know, they rely entirely on the Insider program for testing and that's why every major update causes huge problems.
  • 1
    The amount of effort put in this widget is F-, what the heck.
  • 3
    Honestly, I don't see why anyone would rush a small feature such as this just to get it into beta quicker, it wil only get you bad first impressions and feedback you already kinda had by looking at it yourself
  • 1
    Evaluation Copy?
  • 0
    @KDSBest any insider has evaluation copy even though I paid for my key
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