I am stuck in the loop of "Projects which can complete easily and effectively by programming alone, but some programme it with the team , ad we just wasted 3 months."

Because of Constantly Changing things and refactoring.... (different programmer, different methods of coding style , and it took me to understand sometimes.)

there are people who re use a method/function by copy paste multiple times instead of create one class and call the obj from it...

  • 2
    Also a linter with specific rules decided together as a team would probably help too
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    >there are people that copy instead of re-use

    This triggers me so much. Just last friday I refactored som old code and threw away bunch of dependencies and functions, because so many of them were already implemented in some of *our* external packages that were already added as dependencies for some other stuff to work!

    You could say "yeah, but maybe to original dev didn't know those functions where there, he didn't write them" oh yeah?! Me neither bitch, I just wrote the function name of how I "thought" it might be called into a new line and my IDE spit out at least 5 possible implementations of what you did... You didn't even fucking try to see if it doesn't exist yet... You must've thought you're soooo clever to invent this wheel all on your own...

    Fuck you and your 13 classes of which 3 were called "XYUtils" and the rest made no sense structurally...

    I got rid of all the utils because all their functionality already existed elsewhere...

    I want to scream when I see that
  • 0
    @Hazarth what the.....
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