
Alright, listen. If you come up with a crackme that requires someone to wait for something to happen for, say, 250 hours in real-time... but runs on a Gameboy or whatever other retro console? You're gonna have a bad time.

I'm on a Ryzen 5 2600, and with the most accurate Gameboy emulators out there barely running in Wine I can hit 1000x normal speed if I unlock the emulator's framerate. That 250 hours just became like 45 minutes without having to actually *do* anything. This even applies to "lol reverse this seeded generation thing" if I can try a few million combinations/sec just by incrementing some var in memory and re-running your code. (Yes, i'm literally doing that now. Yes, i'm blowing through this 28-bit keyspace like it's nothing. YES, THEY GAVE ME THE LAST NYBBLE FOR FREE!)

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    i've redone the calculation with my actual brute rate and it'd be 36 hours, or much less if I dragged my other devices into it. With everything that could bruteforce it all going at it, it'd probably take around 20 hours?
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    Correction: JUST OVER 2 HOURS. Assuming my laptop doesn't burst into flames, anyway...
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    Another correction: a few years, as the "workers" have slowed to a crawl despite technically working as fast as they should, which makes no sense, and someone dropped $300 in cloud compute credit to be the first to get it, plus some monster machine at their desk.

    Cool. And I felt bad about feeling like 2 machines was cheating... how do I compete with both a massive server and a Threadripper?
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