
I don't understand why windows can't just start deleting files instead of indexing (or discovering) them first (besides being windows). Is there any technical reason behind this or is it just bad design?

When I do shift+delete on like 200k files (I'm looking at you nodejs) just "discovering" those files takes like 5 minutes. Wouldn't it be faster if it stars deleting immediately after finding disk location of first file?

  • 1
    This is actually a good question.
    You mean the UI delete.
    Interestingly if you run the git bash tools I'd be curious to see if that just ran as expected. pretty sure it would.

    I always thought it was because it was gathering metadata to update the display or checking permission settings instead of just dying at the file that can't be deleted.
  • 0
    @AtuM *grins*

    course on linux if you delete something its just plain gone.

    unless you use the UI delete in nautilus :P

    anyway that being said pretty sure the git tools bash shell allows the use of rm if you want to make this faster :P
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    @MadMadMadMrMim Not quite true; in GNU/Linux, if you delete something, chances are it will be moved to the Trash folder deep inside ~/.cache.
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    @Berkmann18 not if you use RM
    Btw as i was walking down the hole for the umpteenth time I was wondering if it was the fat Asian in the hello kitty shirt or cut and paste
  • 0
    @MadMadMadMrMim There are certainly cases where an rm on a thing and it's gone to Oblivion, but there are times where I noticed (on various distros) that deleted resources are moved to that Trash folder, and you can retrieve them from there.
  • 1
    @Berkmann18 that’s a deviating custom behavior for sure
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    @MadMadMadMrMim @Berkmann18 I tried rm rf'ing but it didn't change much. Tbh it wasn't something like benchmark.
    I also tried

    del /f/s/q foldername > nul
    rmdir /s/q foldername

    but didn't see any change either. I end up shift+delete and leave computer open
  • 0
    rm is a function in bash.
    bash rm -rv dir/*

  • 0
    @MadMadMadMrMim Yup.
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