
Our story start like this.

Boss: Hey programmer A, Can you implement {feature X} on this application?

Programmer A: I suggest not implement {feature X} because {negative impact of feature X}

Boss: Ok

Boss asks Programmer B.

Boss: Hey programmer B, Can you implement {feature X} on this application?

Programmer B: Of course, no problem

Programmer B asks Programmer A.

Programmer B: Hey Programmer A, Do you know how to implement {feature X} on this application? I have no idea.

Programmer A: WHAT!!! do you know that {feature X}, Will negatively impact our application?

Programmer B: Well that's our boss want, I can't say no.

Programmer A: (F**k I hate this guy)

  • 12
    Just say that you know but you won't help due to reasons xyz and that programmer b is on their own.
  • 2
    Why didn't both programmers fuck their boss
  • 3
    It’s so wierd of your boss to circumvent you like that. Either they listen to you and change the plans or they tell you that the plans are set in stone and will need to be carried out no matter the consequences.
  • 5
    @LiquidOfLife When you employ multiple experts, the best way to eliminate their personal biases is to ask all of them about a possible modification. The mistake here is that the boss stopped at an answer he liked, which didn't eliminate the bias of wanting to please him.
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