
Most developers are morons.

Because the field of software development has a relatively low barrier of entry, we naturally have a large and steady supply of under-trained and clueless keyboard monkeys, hereby referred to as zombies.

The reason the industry is set up this way is because companies need a steady supply of new talent. Big Tech is so greedy, they snatch most good talent and bench them, leaving the scraps for everyone else. Other companies lower their standards and hire anybody that can copy and paste. Most entry-level software work at smaller companies is usually low risk and high churn and that's where the low barrier of entry comes in.

I have nothing against zombie developers, so long as they know their place.

I've seen too many zombies think they're CTO material after 2 years of fixing javascript bugs, or think that if they watch just enough egghead.io videos, they'll be promoted to senior.

Typically a zombie developer will go down one of two paths: 1) they either burn out and realize that software isn't what they're meant for (most common scenario) or 2) they actually get good and decide to stick around.

The ones who stick around though usually do so because it hits a sweet spot for them. To them, software is:
- Interesting enough to do it for a full-time job
- Good enough at it to secure a steady job at a two-bit company
- Pays enough to pay the bills

These people don't have a deep passion for software. It's basically just a full-time hobby for them.

And I have nothing against that. The market is satisfied, they're satisfied and I'm satisfied so long as they don't start thinking that they and I are on the same level.

Know your place, zombie devs.

  • 2
    Passion hanging around with the job you do for others should be payed back, but you already know it's going to hit hard on the reality. You'll need to transform the job into your thing... or sacrifice the passion.
    Not much of a choice with such rigid equation, is there? I strive for first, of course. If I don't live by pure intention, I'm gonna be always poor.
    It doesn't give me right to call those who try hard morons.
  • 5
    Did you really think you can continue talking shit? Your last rant kinda worked out, but, this is getting out of hand now.
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