
I want to get your take on an icebreaker I was subjected to recently. For a 9 a.m. Monday morning training last week, the facilitator opened with, “Tell us your name, your team, how long you’ve been with the company, and a ‘scar story’. Pick a scar on your body and tell us how you got it. If you prefer not to talk about a physical scar, you can tell us about an emotional scar.” I am not joking.

As we went around the room, there were lots of blood and guts stories (gross) but people also shared really traumatizing tales, like an infant daughter being diagnosed with leukemia. The whole thing took 30 minutes of a 90-minute session. I was very turned off by the activity in the moment and even more so later after reflecting a bit.

Besides this one being in very bad taste, I find myself turned off by icebreakers in general. They feel forced and never seem to give you a useful introduction to your colleagues. I’m wondering if your readers have ever participated in an icebreaker they think was particularly effective or are these just a reality of office life we need to endure?

  • 4
    All this is mumbo jumbo made to create artificial jobs we don't really need.

    Just focus on the damn job, I don't care about « which movie would you be » or the romanticized story of a fucking scar.

    Everyone tryin' to be cool kids, nobody tryin' to make shit happen.
  • 1
    Sounds forced and gross. Ew
  • 0
    that’s sounds horrible oh my god
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