for one split second I thought I had discovered a way to manage multiple states with one reducer function in react,

turns out it was a bug in my code,

I had already gone to brag about it on my react group chat, until I went back to my code and as I was cleaning up and closing brackets and all that stuff, my new feature stopped working.

I need to find that bug

  • 1
    Ah, the amount of times I accidentally fixed a problem... Makes you question how good you actually are vs how lucky xD xD xD
  • 3
    States are just values, they can be a tuple of two sub-values. So can actions.
  • 1
    @homo-lorens exactly! I figured it out, turns out I wrongly applied objects destructuring wrongly at one point and I was reading the console logs wrongly at another, one of the problems of littering ones code with console logs,

    I feel like I have gotten wiser now with resolving this issue due to the amount personal research and testing it led me to
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