
So Today I decided to Learn on React native, something during set up. Decided To clean Node_modules , the file size is 34.45GB

(o.O) WTF ?

I am not a big fan of Node Js or react, Can Someone explain to me why the file is so large?

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    they likely use small bits of functionality from a 1000 interlinked modules.

    i don't like that either, linux is bad enough with its million libs.
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    the project node_modules or the global node_modules?
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    @johnmelodyme that probably explains it, cache
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    Node is extremely overused. Often for projects that bigger than what it was meant for
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    @TheBeardedOne while I personally use node only when called to do so. If I would have a choice, I will 100% choose Elixir over nodeJs
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    You should try pnpm (https://pnpm.io). It stores all installed packages (across projects) in one place, and then hard-links from that place into your node_modules for your projects. That way you don’t get 20 copies of the same versiob of lodash or something taking up space on your hard drive.
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