
So last 20 years of histories a highlight
We exited two wars with ragheads about their right to blow each other up and Israel
PCs reached the physical limits of circuitry
Prison faggots raised two to three delusional hidden generations to act like npcs in an rpg as well as be garbage chomos
Government of the USA was finished being hollowed out
Our Economy was crashed by willful manipulation to reduce life to a pointless loop in 2008
We had a muppet for a president
We had a man with walker for a president
The newest generation seems to not realize the old people around them were actually the age they are lying to say they were for real during this time period and the loop began close to the original 2021 in earnest with a few transition years
We discovered people in Hollywood are pervert whoremongers go figure
We lent our ears to babbling trash trying to make young men into confused conflicted homosexuals and sex offenders with their fucked up rhetoric
We had a pedophile Pope
We had a period where whores were extremely active pretending to be beautiful progressive wonderful people but instead of making people happy in a sane way often willfully made themselves figures of jealously and hatred by being revealed as sex offender garbage and by affecting repugnant traits to back people away they didn’t think we’re going to pay them or to seem falsely superior
Everybody hated on the police until all the real ones quit or were fired
Policy and behavior began being dictated by the equivalent of some bored housewives llewellyns dime store handbook on numerology
We put up a bunch of buildings
We tore the same buildings back down
We put a bunch of old buildings back up
Low level jobs began being sucked up by whore trash as well as many high paying ones
A whole bunch of benefits were released to keep evil people in their homes while no one who deserved them could easily claim them
Whoever the hell took over after Biden fucked the decent people over again or maybe not as I got laid a whole hella lot for a while coming up lol
Elon musk and other corporate frauds gained supremacy creating fake products
We all started carrying personal tracking devices
A whole bunch of people were murdered and falsely imprisoned by undocumented grown up chomo children who wanted their identities
Homosexuals became a place to hide chomos which fueled further hatred of them
We never built a wall in fact we welcomed in whole bunch of criminals from Mexico
We made Indian people very very rich in many cases and they replaced themselves with different Indians
Colleges closed
Colleges were reopened as brothels
All institutions gradually became places of despair hopelessness and perversity because thats how garbage likes them to be
A lot of child molesters were quietly and sometimes not so quietly raped and murdered and sold as whores yayy while thinking they were fighting some kind of revolution lol
Western cultures failings were represented as complete truth and embraced as a form of game of abuse by idiots
We created a labotimized army of weirdos who refuse to just live
Instead of fixing our system they made it worse go figure
And living in America just started playing heh again
And you people decided to deny your own existences so it will be pleasant if I live long enough to see a generation that buries you all and or watch you all deteriorate to nothing having lied to keep us in the dark and unaware for so long

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    Oh and a generation of people with no souls created music like this https://youtu.be/LyYBL5R8O-o

    While banging their heads to their chomo imagery in the form of the Apple computer in the background apparently trying to imitate their whores and straight people heh

    I prefer the whores if I had to choose
    But none of them are alive anymore
    They’re all zombies like the rest of our culture driven insane by a machine like way of life no one should ever have had to live through and a million lies designed to make people act the same

    Just like right now they’re killing off everyone who remembers being alive
    Good job you messed up sadistic self destructive garbage !
  • 0
    Whore music I didn’t realize was whore music because by industrial standards it was decent

  • 0
    More whore music I didn’t realize was whore music because it was decent
    For industrial ish

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    By all accounts John music lol


    But same kind of people lol
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    @RocketSurgeon what ? These are the highlights and some really shitty repeat ones
    Should make you all sick that you were a part of creating this
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