20.000 holdings generated. Each unique in their own cute little way. Just finished the marketplace so users can trade the resources they produced, pagination is not working yet. Still no cofounder or anyone who would join the project. Still nothing to offer. :) But I'm keep going. There's a long way but I will not give up mr world! F* you.

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    @molaram the mmorts I'm working on.
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    @molaram The world map consists 20.000 holdings each holding is 5x5 plots with various natural abilities where user can build mines, farms, towns etc, the user can own one/multiple of them, and this is his kingdom. They can join aliances, occupy others, raise armies etc. The point is that there is no holding with all the natural resources so users are forced to trade and interact with each other. The occupied territories pay tax to the ocupator, but to keep a territory occupied cost daily resources and this cost grows farer the territory is. Some holdings are richer some are poorer, some have unique buildings which affects the production. There are many resources and different strategies can be used, you can be a trading nation military power, aliance builder etc...
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    @molaram The currency of the game is a token but it won't be necessary to have it, the holdings can be saved on a blockchain to became a forever rightful liege of a territory but not required. I still have to make the landing page with registration to closed beta, and not all the parts are figured out how it will work, I hope the community will help with that. I will share it with you guys as soon as I have something workable. :) I would say pm me for details, but there's no pm here.
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    @blindXfish How do you protect against multiboxing?
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    @Root I can't I guess. The goal is not to have benefit of having multiple kingdoms, so it has to be better spending time to have single good kingdom then multiple occupied weak ones. Because the market is open, users can't send resources directly to one another. I can implement ip protection as well. Max sessions from ip in a day. Banning, and possibility to loose everything hopefully keeps the cheaters away. Other than these, I have no idea, so please share if you have some fancy way :)
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    @molaram not all of them but I'm drawing them slowly, and hiring fiverr guys as well.
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    @GeorgeBool This looks badass :D Shall I make a forum or something? Recommend me something for collab platform.
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    @molaram I am making it browser based. BUT, it is basically rest api so I guess it can be anything until the calling platform is not restricted.
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