I'm in love with F#, the tooling can be a little buggy if you're used to TypeScript or Java but before learning it I've never been able to solve a real life problem with less than 10 lines of code

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    Huh, now that’s a weird comparison. In my experience the tooling for F# is in general much less buggy than that for TS or Java
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    I really fancy learning f#
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    what is F# deal? I've heard of it but i don't know what the appeal is
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    @darksideofyay for me it’s learning functional programming but built on top of the framework I already know so it should reduce the learning curve.
    That’s my theory at least
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    @darksideofyay it’s a functional-first language the use of which results in concise, convenient and correct (it’s by definition impossible to write incorrect code that would compile) code. It also has a built-in actor model and excellent support for event-handling well as FRP. Since F# is functional first, i.e. not enforcing functional purity quite like Haskell it’s the complete package. Due to these qualities, well as how good it matches up with DDD, I do consider F# the best enterprise language, if only the language and it’s capabilities and environment is considered.
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    @100110111 In my MacOS laptop I've tried to run VSCode with Ionide-FSharp and Visual Studio for Mac: the former solution randomly stops to work and requires a restart the latter randomly completely shuts down and I not only lose autocomplete but even basic things such as syntax higlight.
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    @DEVil666 Yeah, while it seems many who do actively dev with F# prefer the VS Code Ionide approach, in my experience it’s quite unstable on Mac. On the other hand, I’ve got absolutely zero issues with VS for Mac. That being said, JetBrains Rider is my go to when working with .NET ecosystem.
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