Me: removed appsettings.development.json from git index, because every time we pull, we have to correct the files of 8 api's, just to be able to build that ducktape solution

Other devs: we can't build anymore, our appsettings.development.json are gone!!!!!

Manager: (total silence on my 'good morning') you broke our application!!!!

Me: checks 8 appsettings.development.json in

Almost everybody HAPPY

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    There's some solutions out there that will remove the need to manage ports. Docker, Dapr.
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    Thanks for sharing this article.
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    @JoeKilback not sure if sarcasm as I didn't share an article with any detail.

    Docker is obviously a container tool. You can setup a virtual network where you refer to named containers where you would usually put hosts. No need for ports.

    Dapr is a distributed application runtime built for microservices. You communicate between microservices using sidecars (similar to a service mesh on that point) and the sidecars know about each other enough to allow you to again refer to services by names hosts without ports. The side cars know enough to figure out which side car in the distributed runtime to communicate with and you don't have to give ports.

    Docker I found quite a difficult learning curve. Dapr is relatively easy. But obviously are intended for different problems.
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