People : We have cache problems, nothing works !

Me looking at 2 GB cache : Well, ok here you go : (Screen)

  • 0
    Someone storing porn there for lightning access?
  • 0
    @asgs Not evn that.

    We just migrated to redis cache like 3 weeks ago.

    There is a HUGE differences between usijng memory cache and redis cache. Still working out some of them :)

    But now I can have 2,3,...1000 parqllels servers !

    It comes with some cost and managing redis is a pain. Specially as redis SLA is only 99.9.

    We've promised clients 99.96.
  • 2
    @NoToJavaScript you should insert KEYS * here and there to simulate slowness

    A website which is slow and doesn't work is slightly perceived to be more realistic than the one which is fast and doesn't work in the end
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    @asgs You'd do that in the frontend ideally, so that you have complete control over the timings of the fake process.
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    @lbfalvy the idea is to give up the control and let chaos take over
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