
*About to start an important call with the client*

Neighborhood dogs: "Now is a good time for us to start barking for no reason"

  • 5
    Or for your neighbor to decide that now would be a great time to mow their yard.
  • 1
    Push to talk. Fucking learn it in 2004 with my first WoW raid.

    I still use it in team meetings on teams lol. But now it's easier : just pop mic up to cut, down to talk.
  • 0
    That happens to me all the time. It's either dogs or some other noise going on outside. Sometimes I realize my ears just become more sensitive when I know I will need a quiet environment but then I realize a lot of the times most mics may not pick up background noise as well as I hear it. It guess that's one of the drawbacks of working remotely.
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