As many of us are filling out applications right now, I have another complaint about accessibility. If a company ever reps for Accessibe or their clients use accessibe, then ghost them immediately (they don’t care about developers opinion).

  • 1
    tell me more about that, hadn't heard of it
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    @darksideofyay https://uxdesign.cc/important-settl... here is a summary of what happened around a year ago. I’m a big a11y nerd and noticed early on that accessibe often makes sites worse and found that it went to trial. Groves ended up proving that overlays were not a viable option but accessibe didn’t take any damage (upsetting), only the client did. They are the most fraudulent company around. I like a11y stuff bc it’s also a huge instance of developer advocacy and having the ability to change this sort of stuff is going to be needed in the future fs.
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    Damn that name my dyslexia (yep spelled this fucking word wrong again) made me read "accessible" and thought ok you are Pro a11y but don't want sites to promote they are accessible?

    But this is about the product "accessiBe" and other similar overlays that promise to fix a11y by adding a tool integration instead of actually making the site semantic and accessible. Fuck them but perhaps not fuck the companies that use them without knowing any better. If their attitude is to investigate and change.
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    @hjk101 but my reasoning is that if they preach accessiBe then they are more likely to have disregarded developer opinions in favors of trends they see as relevant
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    @phat-lasagna I would not know any better. As a developer I see accessiBe is compliant with all the relevant standards and easy to implement. Only when complaints reach my desk I might realize that this is not working as advertised.

    I'm hesitant to just disqualify a company based in that. Perhaps I'm just naive. You did teach me a thing or two about it. Fortunatly I've never encountered the overlays before.
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    @hjk101 yeah I would try going thru on a screen reader on a site that has the Accessibe overlay, u will see what I mean.
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