Ok so hear me out, a project that uses React but remove JSX and replace with a VueJS style of conditional rendering. JSX is so gross and I can’t believe people still use it.

  • 7
    Ok hear me out, react as a whole is just so gross you would be better off replacing it completely
  • 2
    Then fight it like a soldier, go against it in front of upper management
  • 4
    Yay! A new FE framework! Vuact !!
  • 1
    I have not used Vue but bro I think React and JSX is not that ugly

    Anyways, who here will be creating Vuact?
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    @green-portal I really like react but I can’t stand JSX. Every time you need to conditionally render a complex component it turns into a jumble fuck of indentations and duplicated code. There are trade offs I get it, and I like having the ability to have JS + HTML in the same file, but by god it can create some ugly looking code.
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    Have you tried angular template?
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    I somewhat have to agree with @phat-lasagna. I use both React and Angular. I do appreciate how Angular forces you to separate logic from view (for the most part). With React I’ve been tempted more than once to place a bunch of logic in JSX (in an array.map for instance) and I’m not a fan of calling functions within JSX because it adds to the ugliness and confusion.
  • 2
    React endorses you to shove templates in functions... Why the f- would you want that? Component is damn component, period.

    JSX is a plague of existence.
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    @red-knot yeah I might be biased bc Angular is how I first learned web dev. Like angular itself is bloated af, but at least you don’t spend so much wasted time trying to figure out where something is when you have to make a change.
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    @phat-lasagna shouldn't you create your own <For/> components? Get your points. Map in jsx is just too easy
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    @h3rp1d3v I mean I agree, it’s nice, but not something I would choose a framework over. Also, I don’t mind JSX if I work on my own shit. All my rants are about the effects shitty developers have had on projects I’m forced to fix. So far, if you are shit at programming, react can get messier than other frameworks imo.
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    @phat-lasagna and this is why you shouldn’t use React in any ”real-world” project. Because let’s face it, most developers are shit, and giving them a tool that enables them to easily write shit code is not a good idea.
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    @100110111 is this why people hate FE + JS so much is because of the lack of enforced coding standards through the code itself?
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    @phat-lasagna I guess? All I’ve noticed is that any tool is fine when wielded by a skilled dev who cares enough about code quality, but there are some tools you never should give to the majority of developers, since it’s too easy to produce bad code in one way or another. I do see it more in the JS world than elsewhere. The horrible C# codebases I’ve seen, for example, maybe have very questionable design decisions and I’d fire the architect if I could, but the code itself usually isn’t that bad. Interestingly, the majority of PHP codebases I’ve worked with have been well designed and written - some curious design desicions, yes, but that’s about it.
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