
I want someone to appreciate and get my idea and if it is not a good one suggest some expert opinion or best practices to improve.

I am currently stuck as I have done multiple personal projects now. I have completed them but UI sucks. I started studying using YouTube tutorials but I feel that I only know the surface of each tech. I want to deep dive on each of the tech I have used but do not know where to start.

But I think this is just my burn-out phase. I am currently resting from trying to build an everyday coding habit. I'll still try again when I feel better. I think it is not only me that felt this.

  • 1
    Your question is really vague, so here is a vague answer:

    Focus on ONE thing at a time.
    Pick something that gives you immediate results without relying on something else.
    It usually takes a few weeks to get the basics and a few months to really feel comfortable to work with.
    You’ll never "master" anything. Everything evolves and you never stop learning new things.
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