
Oh boyyy, I just had to work with Asterisk again. And holy shit it is still the clusterfuck it was many years ago.
We got:
- Inconsequent documentation that is mixed through all versions.
- The config sprinkled over what feels like 20 gazillion files.
- AEL being a half assed attempt at a "pRoGRamMinG LanGuAgE"
- The fuck you mean with extensions, endpoints and AOR's?
- Inconsistent config parameter naming. Some are snake case, some camel case some are just everything smushed into a single word.
- queue_log determines wheter to write a log to a file. queue_log_to_file Says to do so independent of you having a realtime backend. Whatever the fuck that is.
- Log compression is done by executing a gzip command after a rotation??!!?!!

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