
The strength and weakness of an engineer is to think in terms of certainty and absoluteness.

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    I fucking hate confidence ranges, and I don't want to deal with them. I know actual engineers who build several hundred meters long houses and calculate what phase a metal beam with periodic holes will be in when it reaches the other side, and carry that error over to the complex supporting structure they build on top of the beam, and eventually into the bearing of the ceiling. I'm a tinkerer and I'm not doing any of that. The fact that we earn the same salary is a quirk of the market.
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    Given sufficient leverage and steady enough support, I shall lift the earth itself!

    Be any absolutely inflexible axis (please leave dick jokes to the end) and an impossibly immovable point in space abstract concepts, and you start to see the principles of software design appearing.
    Our entire science is based on the reductionist belief that anything can be expressed using tiny but absolute concepts like 0 and 1. We call it "Turing-complete languages".

    Thus it's only natural that our peers will try and apply it to every situation. I sure do.
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    Only siths deal in absolutes!

    I feel like most of the time devs are making compromises and dealing with uncertainty (like in performance, technically x should be faster but not seeing any boost, maybe it's due to y)
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    @jiraTicket Performance is the only place where programmers encounter continuity. Everything else is either certain or finite random.
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