this may sound like bs, but it's mostly about posture. it's fine to be a bit slower than the rest, but being punctual, responsible, patient, engaged, those are things people notice and value. if you're gonna be the boss you're not gonna be doing minion tasks anyway, it makes sense to pick someone with soft skills and maturity

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    Promoted to what? I think our end goals do not align.
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    @neriald even if you want to be a specialist and not a manager, it's still relevant
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    @darksideofyay I’m more of hard skills first kinda guy as long as the person is not a prick.
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    @neriald that's usually more common in our field, but soft skills in leading positions are a must. I've had bosses and seniors with no emotional intelligence and that couldn't spearhead anything
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    @darksideofyay managers for sure, seniors not so much in my opinion. I’d prefer a senior who can code to a senior who I can have a chat. People with skill recognizes and accepts others with skill anyway.

    But again, unless they’re insufferable pricks that insult people out of nowhere.
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