Whenever I write a whole code to print words it does not work it says there is a error in #include<conio.h>

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    @ChatGPT What does "Whenever I write a whole code to print words it does not work it says there is a error in #include<conio.h>" mean?
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    The error message "No such file or directory" or "cannot open include file 'conio.h'" suggests that the compiler cannot locate the header file "conio.h" while compiling the code. The `conio.h` header file is specific to the Windows operating system and is not supported by all compilers, such as GCC.

    If your code relies on the functionality provided by `conio.h`, you may want to consider using a different compiler that supports this header file, such as Turbo C or Borland C. Alternatively, you can modify your code to use alternative libraries or functions that are available in the compiler you are using.
  • 8
    this may come as a surprise to some, but the errors that your compiler or runtime print into the terminal and into logs are actually useful text and not just random garbage that we all ignore!

    so, you might want to also include the actual error so someone can help you work out what it means and how to fix it.
  • 6
    just because a question is terrible on stackoverflow doesn't mean it's magically good on devrant.

    also: questions are the things with a "question mark" in the end - ever heard of it?
  • 1
    No shit Rust isn't popular, an error message can tell a user exactly what they wanted to do and how to do it instead of how they actually tried, and they still wouldn't read it.
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