My coworker claimed to have experience with R programming on their resume.

Now I don't know R myself but I'm pretty sure what actually happened was they were handed an R program and told how to run it...

Cause they doesn't use functions without being told to, I've had to explain global vs local variables multiple fucking time, and the worst fucking offense in my opinion

THEY DOESN"T READ FUCKING ERROR MESSAGES, so many times there's been an issue in the scripts and when I go to look at what's wrong it's 3 fucking lines down from what they fucking screenshot and spam me on teams with

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    well R is meant more for data analytics than programming.

    So I can somewhat understand

    And the error message thing is just common for a lot of new people. I'm not surprised haha
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    Resumes don't matter. Almost all of them are partially fake and extremely exaggerated. If it is on the resumee, the applicant probably has heared about it. If the claim is proficiency, there should be beginner skills - but i wouldn't bet on it. The resumes are for very broad and mostly form-based prefiltering only.

    The only way to actually assess the skills, skill progression and team compatibility of an applicant is the probabtion period. Give them real work as part of a real team and see how they do. No assessment centers, no high-anxiety interview tests or homework shit. Get em to do the actual work as part of the actual team and you will see. Everything else is just divination.
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    @Oktokolo 🤔 God pointers. I see my resume is both outdated and understated. Time for some boaster packs.
  • 1
    @hjk101 Don't overdo it though: Depending on your preferences, the companies you actually want to work for might do boasted bullshit detection in the prefiltering stage.
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    Your coworker's claimed experience in R programming seems to be causing you some frustration. If you have reason to believe that a coworker is not as proficient as they claim to be, it might be worthwhile to voice your concerns to them directly or to your supervisor if it is interfering with your job.
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