
Another based boy.

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    it's the Syrian dictator, his actions are nicely summarized on Wikipedia:


    Judging by your choice of picture, the reason you think positively about this despot heading a religious fundamentalist dictatorship is that he criticized Biden.
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    @lorentz so tell me which foreign country and which dictator is currently occupying 1/3 ie the resource rich part of of Syria and is denying right to their resource?
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    @jassole Even if the US was as bad as you made them out to be, opposing them would not legitimize a despot or their fundamentalist dictatorship.
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    @lorentz What did he do that's dictatorship? I don't see him occupying other country, neither bombing smaller countries like Iraq, Libya. God, you libs are so brainwashed.

    I supposed to trust the same agencies that made genocide in the middle and not one single guy has gone to jail for lying and misleading, and now tells me who is dictator and who isn't? You clowns are taken for a good ass raping..

    "US was as bad as made them out to be"? You kidding? You are too soft on USA. Vietnam, Korea, Japan, Libya, Syria, Iraq, Yugoslavia, list goes on and on. Braindead....

    'It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.'
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    @jassole He literally inherited the country from his father, fuck off with this relativizing bullshit. I'm well aware that the US is terrible but they're not comparable to Syria
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    actually scratch that, I don't mind comparing the two. What I find inconceivably dumb is pretending the king of Syria is good.
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    @lorentz US is worse than Syria. Inherited so fucking what?

    Look at Iraq, Libya, hows democracy working there? People there want their Gaddafis, Saddams back. There is even an interview with a rebel who helped saying their country has now been worse off. And now they want them back. ISIS/ISIL spin off were created out of disenchanted military ranks of Iraq.

    You want another band of head decapitators and heart eaters?

    They got duped by US. Stop injecting your idealism and talk about reality.
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    @jassole inherited, lol, everyone in DC Is fucking related. The whos who of who married what powerful family. Newsome is Pelosi's nephew. From there it just gets worse. DC is fucking trash.
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    @lorentz Hey hey, everyone is bad here, don't take the blame from anyone. All politicians are bastards.
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    @Demolishun Exactly, they also somehow pick the right stock that adds millions to their net worth every time, especially pelosi. Nice wife - husband duo that serves us and makes millions at the same time.

    This is all public data, imagine how well they are ahead in everything else they do behind the scenes.

    But it must due to democratic values, and they are just smarter than us dumb fucks. They never cheat.
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    "Everybody my government dislikes or I don't like is a hitler"
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    @c3r38r170 Yeah I amended my claims, I'm not convinced that the US is so terrible but I'm definitely not convinced that they're not either.

    What pisses me off here is that jassole will glorify a fucking dictator just because they hate some of the same people. I feel like this is at least as dangerous as labelling every person with a differing opinion as monsters.
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    @lorentz You haven't named a single thing that makes Assad a dictator? Do you even have anything? So someone naturally born into Royal make them dictator?
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    There's a lot of evidence that the current US political elite cements their power through means other than the goodwill of the public, which is the defining characteristic of a dictatorship.

    The Syrian political elite factually cements their power through the secret police and military.

    Those are different degrees of undemocratic behaviour.
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    I don't know what you consider a reliable source, here's a good briefing of the state of democracy in Syria. I can confirm that the report on Hungary is pretty much accurate.

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