After all this time it's back to the basics mhm? Maybe yoloing PHP via SFTP to a single machine along with few thousand LLOCs of vanilla JS wasn't such a bad idea after all...

  • 8
    But "oH No, WhAt aBoUt tHe dOm aNd mY StAtE?". You know what, fuck your DOM! I don't care! I just what to click things not fly to the fucking moon! Just use the fucking browser APIs you left-pad imbecile!
  • 2
    but.....but containers, devops, devops-GPT with sloppity shloperty React or Angular. Manage a fuckload of compoer and npm dependencies. You are supposed to over complicate and engineer even the simplest of apps, like a rel dev
  • 0
    Vanilla JS is fine, PHP is not 😁
  • 0
    @ostream I'll tell you all about BBS on my Podcast and weekly Newsletter! The 2010s are back, baby!
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