Most awkward video meeting?

Can a conference call count? This happened several years ago.

Diving into international markets that could potentially make us millions of $$ (no pressure), while the phone was ringing the CEO's number (in Norway), my manager leans over and whispers
DevMgr: "This project will be managed using *proper* software development methodologies, none of this agile shit you want to use."
<CEO picks up>

I had already been in talks with their dev team to get a feel for their tech stack and we had discussed project milestones, potential release cycles (laying the ground work for using agile methodologies) before getting upper mgmt involved.

The partner dev team was listening and kept throwing out agile buzzwords and I could tell my manager was getting pissed. He would blurt out "Those specifications will need to be fully documented before PaperTrail writes one line of code!". No one said anything, but I could tell the other mgrs/VPs in the room were uncomfortable with the hostility towards discussing features.

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    lol, I would be trying not to laugh the whole call.
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    If this was Friends episode, it would be called:

    The one where managers doesn't want to update their resumes with new skills because they fucking suck at their job!
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    Agile is overrated.
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    @devJs > "where managers doesn't want to update their resumes"

    A couple of years later the DevMgr was at a conference and attended a Agile/Scrum workshop and the lightbulb slightly went from 'off' to 'dim'

    Came back saying "Agile isn't about not having specifications or cowboy coding, its about communication and providing value, all you should have been doing this for years!!"

    He still dug his heels into waterfall (wanted 'agile' in the detailed planning of the specifications), but luckily he was fired and we've moved on.
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    @aviophile "Agile is overrated."

    I can agree with that. Agile not a 'silver bullet', its a tool.
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    @PaperTrail I quit the job recently because we were having waterfall project with fixed deadlines with all the scrum ceremonies. At one point I had 21 meetings across 3 days! There was 28 of them that week.

    Started project in January, didn't start to code until late April because of missing specifications, then there was too much of them. So much confusions and even had meetings for scheduling meetings. We had fixed deadline in July.

    Complete shitshow.

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    I've been in meetings with people from ncsc, the police, and members of a political party I won't name.

    I felt completely in over my head when they were discussing stuff such as the likelyhood of a Russian cyber attack against our team's webapp. I regret volunteering to be in charge of the website's security.
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    @Shardj like, no pressure dude!

    I hope those times passed and all went well!
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    @devJs yeah thankfully no cyber attacks yet. I still have these meetings every 6 months though, I just say no changes on our end to basically every question
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