For who ever makes 1 hour ticket estimates for complex bugs and features, I got a question…

Who hurt ya bro?

Either that or we need to talk about ur drug addictions that allow you to do such things on a regular basis - because that’s just not living in reality…

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    I mean cmon’ man, most people got other things besides work… :(
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    We never give estimates under 1 day.

    Even if the overestimates some small tasks it almost always evens out over the sprint and at worst we pick something extra from backlog.

    Far better than pushing something you said you would have time with (which still happens)
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    @Voxera wanted to ask ur expert opinion - do you think devs should be responsible for filling the backlog if the sprint has extra time? Or do you think xtra bugs during the sprint should be identified by QA/BA?
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    @chonky-quiche anyone finding bugs should file them, QA is not only to find bugs but to verify that all functionality is covered.

    As for how to handle extra time it depends on the team and company.

    Some might allow devs to choose from backlog, others require the project owner to decide priorities and what to do.

    That will depend a lot of the rest.

    There might be things in the backlog that the PM knows is blocked so no reason to start with yet.

    At out company the backlog is mostly already sorted by prio and the devs are involved in sprint planing and dependency discussions so they often know at least as well as the PM which tickets that can be taken earlier than planed.
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    It's surprising how many teams estimate tickets yet don't follow up often enough to see if he estimates were accurate.

    Most will follow up the sprint as a whole.

    But it would be more obvious how wrong estimates were if people simply made every time someone's estimate was exceeded.
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