Since ive started college my will to program has become non-existant. Im a self taught programmer since 12, it used to be MY thing and i loved it. I used to spend hours a day just programming personal projects because i love it. However since college has been getting serious with this being my junior year and having part-time contract work i dont "love it" as much. Im a little scared, i have no time to just code for fun and when i do have time it feels like work because thats the only other time i code.

What should i do guys, i dont want to fall out of love with programming, it's part of who i am and i can feel im losing it.

  • 5
    Don't combine fun programming and boring programming together. I like to think of them as different things.

    Keep doing your side projects.
    Of course, you should have University/Colledge as your number 1 project.

    Use what you learn to improve your side projects.

    This is easier said than done, but I hope you make it through. Good luck!
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