
Google should really add support for Linux on Chromebooks. I don't see a reason to pay £1k for a Pixel Book just for build quality and great looks. However, having native Linux support and being able to use something more useful than ChromeOS would be hugely attractive and I would consider buying it.

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    Thank You!
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    Wait, they are still producing those things? And didn't they always have Linux support?
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    If I recall correctly, Linus Torvalds used to have a Chromebook..
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    @eletious @Jop- being able to "boot" Linux and having support for it are two very different things. When I installed Linux on my Chromebook a few years back I had to go through multiple loop holes, enable developer mode which makes the device insecure and then figure out how to get drivers working. It's really not ideal at all, and I really don't know what you mean by "there's nothing you can't do with ChromeOS that another distro can". ChromeOS is entirely different to other distros, it's fully locked down to begin with and even enabling Dev mode doesn't give you much.
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