
Trying out Amazon sagemaker
You can do it for free they say
Deployed a free sagemaker domain
Got charged 32 dollars one day after

Jesus fucking Christ

  • 9
    I swear AWS' business model is based on confused devs.
  • 0
    Did you deploy a non-free tier version?
  • 0
    @asgs I just followed the tutorial, it didn’t say it’s gonna charge me for an idle session
  • 1
    @K-ASS I did something like this a few years ago. I deployed Spanner on GCP to learn a thing or two and I ended up using almost all of the free credits offered during sign up

    It turns out deploying an HA version on three regions is costly enough. Worst thing of all is, I just deployed a basic version of employee management schema and ran a few queries on the day 1 and forgot to remove it thereafter
  • 2
    Edit: it’s 52 dollars this morning, apparently the easiest way is to close your account
  • 1
    When experimenting on AWS, if you accidentally incur charges, raising a support ticket often leads to those charges being waived. Personally forgotten to turn them off multiple times. They typically assess if it was just a trial or if there was legitimate usage, and they're usually understanding and waive the charges
  • 1
    @lorentz I can attest that AWS tries to confuse you on what's free and what's not when you deploy stuff, definitely irritating.
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