
My girlfriend's dad asked me to fix his printer.

I open it up, pulled the cartridge, blowed some air and put it back again.

It worked.

He now thinks I am a genius.

  • 26
    Legit ^ How everyone who assumed I was a programmer + techician ... When all I did was to Google their situation
  • 3
    Omg I always do this
  • 0
    Opened* ugh.
  • 0
    @riteshx95 haha happy to be here! 💪🏻
  • 6
    And now you are fucked because you are expected to fix everything and do so brilliantly...
  • 2
    Taken inspiration from old school gaming, I see...
  • 0
    @Koolstr Yes, haha!
    9999999 in 1.
  • 1
    @hjk101 Indeed. 😂
  • 2
    Amazing. You are now designated "Printer Fixer". You are now the recipient of all printer help requests ever.
  • 1
    @DavidINC A dedicated wikipedia page for me, please!😂
  • 3
    The next step is resetting cartridges so they use all the inkt instead of just saying its empty when its full.

    And then changing the page counter inside the printer so the sponge lasts longer. (By typing all kinds of codes into the display)

    Ive been down the rabbit hole to far...
  • 1
    @DLMousey I don't get to throw mine anymore. I bought a laser printer and am only around 4,000 pages into the cartridge :( this printer is now over a year old!
  • 1
    @moort so true. I'm impressed that my mom has been able to do exactly that on her own. She spends so much time reusing her ink cartridges lol
  • 1
    He now will call you every time something doesn't work as expected...
  • 0
    You are a geniusss!!
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