So, there's something I really don't understand.
Everyone here is complaining about Windows and that it "always BSODs".
I've only seen 4 Bluescreens in the entire time I used Windows. That is over 7 years.
So, what are you doing to your computer to cause so many Bluescreens?

  • 2
    To make Windows usable, you have to tweak so may things It becomes unstable I guess.
  • 4
    98% of the time its h/w issue, other than that, I have been using win since win 95, and never encountered it once, I actually was searching ways to make the screen "blue" while I was 6 years old in 2001, after that been using 98,xp,2000,vista,7 the longest, and 10 for 6 months now.
    Never the blue screen of death.
  • 0
    I don't know. 7 works fine on my desktop but for some reason 10 just keeps shitting itself
  • 0
    I used to get them due to some driver issues after I got a new graphics card. Nothing I couldn't fix.
    Other than that I've seen lots of blue screens due to hardware problems. Not really fair to blame windows for that.
  • 0
    Really I've seen loads of blue screens back when we had Win XP
  • 3
    My theory: windows has a built-in difficulty adapting features that increases the errorlevel based on user data. The difficulty goes from "actually bought windows 10, let's be gentle" to "has a linux partition, let's give him rant material".
  • 0
    Windows has a problem with critical sections
  • 0
    Been using Windows for like 15 years and the worst experience I had was when Vista came out, still remember back then it wad called red screen of death.. It would just randomly appear every couple of minutes, and sometimes it wouldnt even be red 😀
  • 0
    I rember seeing a lot of BSODs when on Win ME, after XP it is just very rare.. but is bas been a few years since i have used windows for serious stuff
  • 1
    Although i had it a few times on Win7 (my own fault), never had it on win10
  • 0
    I can consistently crash Win10 by trying to spin up a VM.
    Some kind of virtualization hardware is not properly supported (never figured out why) but it's still shown as enabled.
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