
I need experts in supabase please

Here is the problem: I’m writing a chrome extension with supabase. Whenever a user log in, they will get a session. However, with chrome extension, that session is not stored after you close chrome. I can store the session in chrome local storage, however, after retrieving the session, how can I log in the user with the info? I cannot find any documents on this.

Please help

  • 1
    Not an expert in supabase, but how about you handle this the oauth2 way, Create a user identifier token and store it as a cookie in user's chrome, then create a refresh token on each session using the cookie and use it
  • 2
    @coldfire ok apparently, I just need to do setsession. It’s that simple, I’m dumb as fuck. I blame ChatGPT and copilot, they just keep giving me the wrong answer
  • 1
    @K-ASS blaming autocompletion engines is pointless.
  • 3
    @hjk101 well, I gotta blame someone that’s not me, I will blame you then
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