
It also cleans up your home 😂👌

  • 1
    Congratulations sir, you just made me audible sigh, and my girlfriend now know how webchats don't need to reload ever time she receives a message!
  • 4
    @jakobev Ajax was firstly documented defending against Trojans in Homer's Iliad... 😎
  • 1
    @Qaldim thanks for the information, it was really interesting :0
  • 1
    @rc5-asdf 😂😂😂😂😂😂lol
  • 1
    That must legit be the oldest joke in the book. Wait, let me check...

    *5 minutes later*

  • 2
    @Froot didnt see it before ^^
  • 1
    Oh no! The international label doesn't say "it's stronger than grease".

    (a pun on Ajax being stronger than Greece)
  • 1
    Dreifach aktiv.
  • 1
    which product is better?😂
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