When you have been trying to write an algorithm for 5 hours but it still doesn't work and your whole code is one big fucking mess, these variable names appear:

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    I feel ya' I do the same. Another tools in my belt that follow that pattern are alert boxes with "fuck off", lambdas c=>,u=>,n=>,t=> and methods like "FuckingDoSomething()"

    As a matter of fact, and now that I think about it, I spend a lot of time making my shit safe for production.
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    Aaaaaand favorite.
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    @theScientist the moment you wrote the message I got it working, after 7h trial and error, trying multiple different approaches it finally works

    best feeling of the day, aaaand it's 3 am
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    @theScientist oh well, I just found another bug D:

    well I need sleep now, the bug will still be there when I wake up
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    Unit testing helps in such cases. You keep your code clean and structured and you can find "obvious" mistakes in no time. It's better to spend a few hours writing tests and profit later than spend a whole day doing shotgun debugging and introducing changes that can fuck up other parts of code
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