
Found this in our code

  • 9
    ... must not know how to spell else

    Edit: @danglingPtr is 100% correct on that and I feel stupid!
  • 80
    I think it's written that way because the catch block sets the variable to false
  • 10
    Do people really use Dutch comments in their sourcecode?
  • 9
    Sometimes if it looks stupid, you better open your mind a bit.
    Had a similar situation recently. A faulty operation was written in a code block. I thought it was a stupid mistake, but it was actually a way to throw an exception in a language that doesn't support them. Felt stupid.
  • 4
    @danglingPtr But wouldn't it look nicer if you defined another function for the false condition that gets called from the catch block and from an else?
  • 0
    @pollux-chris or not use a catch-all
  • 2
    @Charon92 I dunno. I mean, I'm Dutch, but I find Dutch comments disruptive of some sort.
  • 2
    @Charon92 I comment in English, as does the rest of the (all-Dutch) team.
  • 8
    @Charon92 English dude. All English.

    I have a sort of disrespect for people who comment in a non-English language on an international programming forum.

    I've learned English well enough to speak it when I was between 18 and 20, yet I wouldn't dare speak any of the other languages that I had learned earlier (Russian among them) on such forums, unless the post is about language in the first place.

    And I live in Germany now. All developers talk English here, because people from around the world have come here to join forces and create the ultimate team! Naah, just kidding. They're all here for the good beer, good pay, and challenging work.
  • 3
    @Charon92 I am German and also comment only in English. I used to comment in German but it always itches me, when the code is a mix of different languages.
  • 3
    @Charon92 no. It's usually horrible.

    English is not bad. Short words, simple grammar.

    Here's an if/else statement in Russian:

    если {
    } иначе {

    And it's a big issue to even find the curly braces on a Russian keyboard. Or how about a try/catch/finally?

    пробуй {
    } лови(Исключение и) {
    } наконецто {

    Russian is generally a much longer language, less vocal, which makes shortening words even harder. There are Russian programming languages, but they are horrible and should burn in hellfire.

    And even non-Russian, romance languages would be hard to code in. Primarily because accents do no good in code, and they are still longer than English.

    English is a product of hundreds of years of uneducated people borrowing the simplest parts of other languages, and simplifying them further, which is why it's concise, simple, efficient. Also thanks to Vicky back in the day, English is spoken in every time zone. That equates to bigger communities and better support.
  • 2
    Heeeeee nederlandse comments!
  • 2
    @Charon92 I'm Italian and I always comment in English.
  • 1
    @Charon92 the few comments are randomly in dutch and english
  • 1
    @Charon92 I comment in English because my brain is more rational and technical while in English mode. You develop certain personas when you learn a new language and English is my tech guy
  • 1
    @Pizza should've guessed. Have you met @Lasagna? Do you know each other?
  • 1
    @AndSoWeCode I'm not sure we have ever interacted :(
    However, to be honest, I love @Lasagna more than myself. Don't let me think about that!
  • 1
    @Pizza yeah... I must agree. One of the 3 things I miss about Italy.
  • 1
    That bastard! Who puts not-function curly braces on newlines?!?
  • 2
    @Charon92, i have worked with a code written in portuguese that called a part of the program written in English that called a part of the program written in French 😂😂
  • 0
    @AndSoWeCode now, we want to know what the other 2 are XD
  • 0
    Buuttt iiisss mooreeee reeeaaaddaabblleeee

    Unlike that las line.
  • 1
    @Pizza but it's obvious! The gelato and architecture.
  • 0
    As a Dutch(ish) developer: English comments, English var names, English docs, English everything.

    Before you know it, your company is 100+ employees, and you're recruiting people globally.

    Every developer knows English, it's the only thing we all have in common.
  • 0
    @Charon92 I'm danish and comment in English. My phone is in English. My computer is in English. In fact, when coding, I sometimes get confused when people talk to me in danish because I think in English when coding.

    When I use another persons phone or computer and it is in danish (my native language), I can't find anything i need
  • 0
    @Charon92 I and everyone I know comments in english even though we are german, but we have a steady fight against our programming chair in university which provides code with german comments which are not UTF 8 encoded (ä ö ü etc)
  • 2
    @Tobyvw in my company most client projects' variables and functions are in French... Except for Airbus, they don't consider the source code valid if it's not in English
  • 0
    Umm... the code editor’s fonts and color scheme look fantastic btw 😍
  • 2
    @Electrux thanks, its standard dark theme of visual studio 2017
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