
PM is angry I loged 4 hour on a complex module task as "Discussing and thinking" 😂😂 . What do you guys think on such practices?

  • 1
    You need to educate your PM. Discussions are part of team work. And team work is what makes a team successful. And thinking is basically required in order to solve anything.

    After you educate your PM, log those hours as "Knowledge sharing".
  • 2
    Programming is only typing, you know.
    If you're not typing you're not working!

  • 1
    Next time reserve a meeting room for the activity with catering, cookies and shit then refer to it as "project meeting"
  • 2
    So R&D is not allowable? That sounds rather counter productive.
  • 0
    I just hate logging hours!!
  • 0

    /* asdlkjdfgkhjasdlet dfjh asglkh sadfkjh dsflkjh asdflkh asdpweur */

    Please pay me for my time now :)
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