Anyone else sorta kinda getting tired of jsx? I mean React is definitely really wonderful and all and I was all aboard the jsx train but now having my “markup” and js (sometimes css too) mixed completely together is kinda getting annoying. Sometimes I look at it and think its a mangled mess.

Started looking into Vue and really dig the way they separate the layers at the code level. You can have templates in your html or use the really awesome SPC format. Don’t know a lot about Vue yet but the structuring definitely feels right.

  • 1
    Css should be in separate files and code should be in there own functions separated from markup but if react components are kept small enough there is no reason to break up the component.

    Components should usually not contain business logic which is the important separation as that is more likely to change as a separate process from gui components.
  • 0
    That my good sir is about my bigest pet peeve with React.
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