
Yaaay, I received my last payroll with extras. Now to pay all stuff to start as a freelancer!

This is a big step for me and I wanted to share it with you

Let's go!

  • 1
    That's great! Good luck
  • 0
    How do you actually start as a free lancer?
    I already know a few languages (at least I am comfortable with them) and programming in general. Planning projects from scratch and debugging anything is what I usually do.
    Still not sure if it's enough.
  • 0
    @danny96178 Actually i have 3 years of experience and i had the opportunity because one of my old contacts bring me the offer as a client so i could do it.

    If you don't have secure clients at start you shouldn't try it at least you have enough money to survive for a long time.
  • 1
    Idk who u r, but cheers from India
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