  • 3
    I would say congratulation but .... their system is now pretty much fully automated if you suscribed with an .edu email, I still had back a few years ago to be manually reviewed when it was relative new, both by Github, Namecheap and Amazon
  • 0
    @legionfrontier Yeah, but my college disn't provide us with a .edu mail. So had to go through the hard way, BTW, this was my second attempt for the same.
  • 1
    @devansvd so does Gitlab
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    @devansvd But entolling in this gets me free full unreal engine... Wohooooo
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    @Artemix As far as I know it is
  • 1
    @busuu Because the audience on Gitlab is nothing compared to Github.
  • 0
    @Artemix But I am getting the whole suite, which includes no branding of UE on Splash Screen. ;-)
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