I've been watching some documentaries about the Tech industry lately and after just finishing "Terms and Conditions May Apply" I feel deeply disturbed by the simply massive scale of surveillance that is deployed by the tech giants. I don't think this is something that we should all just let slide.

  • 3
    You mean those tech giants who are also the biggest, most powerful companies in the world?

    Those tech giants? The ones that could buy you thousands of times over... Those tech giants?

    Yeah good luck stopping them. I'm hoping for a major collapse or apocalyptic event.

    You know if it's in a documentary, that's the stuff they're cool with you knowing about.

    Honestly, it's not worth stressing over anymore. The war is lost, we will all one day be replaced with neural nets of ourselves trained on the data mined today.

    Robot me and robot you will be having this conversation in the network, in our future bodies; cloud nodes.

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    @jamescodesthing I wasn't talking about "fighting" them. But taking further measures for privacy is a good step forward.
  • 2
    Further measures... So, uh, a bomb? I'm not sure I'm down with that man.
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    If you are against surveillance so much maybe you could just stop using tech. Maybe freebsd is fine but without network. Its too dangerous. I totally agree with @jamescodesthing. The "war" is lost and people are just too lazy to care about this stuff
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    I wouldn't say that the war is lost, it's just the beginning.
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    @b3b3 Again, missing the point. I'm talking about using the available measures we have to limit tracking as much as possible. Plenty of tools help in this regard.
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