
Non technical people are interesting. Not only do we have to switch to unga bunga language to help them, but they accuse us of man-splaining when we do.

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    And no, this is not some clever way to say technical people are only male. Although it could be taken that way.
  • 8
    @Demolishun pffft as if there were women in tech. I swear this place is a sausage fest
  • 3
    @AleCx04 Not many of us, sadly. And worse: most are … kinda pathetic tbh.
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    @Alexanderr 🗡️😕
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    Women who intended to land in tech and got into it are generally amazing. The women that got into it because they got major financial benefits for choosing it in post secondary are generally terrible.

    The same can be said for men as well. But mostly they just finished their program because they put enough money into it that they didn’t want to stop. Then got a job. Then stayed.

    Basically intent and a growth mindset determines how good someone gets.
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