Anon reporting website/app for bad company actions

Project Type
Project idea

Anon reporting website/app for bad company actions

Website or application that is effectively a public-facing whistleblower site on the shady/illegal/morally-wrong actions taken by employers. My initial idea is to have anonymous submissions with a vote based validation for reports. I could see maybe having a secure system for reading + uploading documents could be cool for supporting evidence of claims. However, the main problem with the idea is that people could submit false reports and gain traction through social group behavior or through bots. I am open for ideas on how to potentially solve this problem, and I am open to any ideas in general! Just want to get something going to make employers more accountable for their shady-ass behavior…
Tech Stack
Web-based framework with potential native support
Current Team Size
  • 4
    So Glassdoor, basically?
  • 1
    germany has kununu for that
  • 0
    @CoreFusionX kind of, but glassdoor is non-anonymous, sleazy, and rats out people
  • 3
  • 1
    you can mitigate by identity validation so voting trough verified accounts but that removes anonymity, you can use blockchain and some vote resolving algorithm where you allow to manipulate voting numbers by identifying bot patterns but it won’t work anyways,

    the biggest problem would be attracting people to use it and gaining credibility that those informations are not fake

    not doable if you’re not top 1000 influencer and even then I doubt in success of such portal

    the only things that sale today are videos, images and ai, sad but true
  • 1
    I'll say it now: @shovethisrant didn't kill himself.
  • 0
    I started something similar to this too recently as a side project
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