
A blockchain trading card game

Project Type
Open source idea

A blockchain trading card game

Disclaimer: I’m don’t know whether this is feasible, and I’m not very good at blockchain-y stuff So I’ve had this idea for a trading card game, but it uses a blockchain. Each block’s hash is used to somehow generate a unique card (name, stats, possibly even a picture) and then people can trade them. The difference between it and a normal crypto currency is that different blocks have different (random?) value, and also games can be played with the cards :) Any thoughts? EDIT: Has this been done before? It seems like quite an obvious thing which would have been done
Tech Stack
Probably Go
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    CryptoKittens seems to be something similar at first glance. Although you trade kittens, not cards
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    @JaegerStein looks cool :)
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    i guess is sounds more feasible the more you think about it. i guess a blockchain would work to regulate a tcg
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    @calmyourtities yeah. The hardest thing about it I can think of is actually generating the cards
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    @zacg or maybe actually IMPLEMENTING IT?
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    @calmyourtities well, you know, apart from that xD
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    You don't need a completely new chain for it. Implement it on etherum for example
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    @Kimmax maybe - probably wouldn’t be as fun though
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    @zacg building a new blockchain that isn't copy pasted from somewhere, that actually works needs some serious time invested in thinking and a skillset I believe not many have
    You would have to run a good network of master nodes and later on people who will volunteer to host them too
    I don't see it happening.. Maybe start om etherum and build your own if the concept turns out working and you have got a good stable community
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    @zacg One can easily develop a simple deterministic generation algorithm based on block hash and the difficulty. This has the added advantage of actually generating a pseudorandom cards and easy verifiability.
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    I agree with @Kimmax that building the blockchain part of it is a project within itself, and by the time you got to the trading card part of it, you'd be much more concerned with making sure that the chain works than you would be with the card game itself.

    If you don't want to use ethereum, I'm currently working with a small team of guys to build a new blockchain network that will support creating contracts with javascript (actually working on the javascript contracts now), and we'd love another contributor. That way, you get the best of both worlds: you can contribute to the blockchain that your card game would run on, while also making the card game you want.

    Give it some thought, I hope to see this project whether or not you do it with us! If you're wondering, the blockchain is https://github.com/UltraDark/...
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    @RuntimeError oh yeah I saw that before actually! I’d definitely be up for contributing, but I’d have to do a bit of research on blockchain a and stuff since I don’t really know a huge amount about them yet
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    @zacg hop on our gitter and id be glad to answer any questions you may have. i find that finding good resources on the more in-depth stuff that developers care about is super difficult. im currently working on a book for programmers that explains these things, but in the meantime id love to hear some of your questions. Join the chat: https://gitter.im/ultradark/Lobby
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    @JaegerStein its successor CryptoBots implements a fighting mechanism, which seems more viable as CKitties as an example imho.

    Would love to see and/or create something like this; eg. CryptoTCG
    or CryptoMonstersTCG with all monsters being random MissingNo's from PKM xD

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    Blockchain programming is something that I've procrastinated learning. But you've pushed my interest in learning it again. So thank you!
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    How about having a real trading card game behind it with logic? Sounds interesting though
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    Take a look to a crypto token. Funfair (FUN) It runs in ethereum network. Basically it is a online casino fair for the use of block chain.
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    that escalated quickly
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